1.Few changes in class-amp-post-template.php to take care of the archive debug errors Reference: #1130 #966 2.Replaced the fastimage with fasterimage for PHP 5.4+ #1191 changes made in amp/includes/lib/fastimage amp/includes/lib/fasterimage amp/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-img-sanitizer.php amp/includes/utils/class-amp-image-dimension-extract.php amp/includes/utils/class-amp-wp-utils.php 3. Redux: A small change in redux-core/framework.php at line number 2962. #1219 4. Make sure we are passing the integer in the date function Ticekt no #1241 changes made in includes/class-amp-post-template.php on line 174 and 175 5. Added a filter called ampforwp_allow_featured_image, so users can show or hide Featured image according to the usage. #1071 6. Two Filters added at line number 92 and 124 in amp/includes/embeds/class-amp-gallery-embed.php to add extra parameters for Gallery. 7. amp-video script added in amp/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-video-sanitizer.php #991 8. allow-popups added on line number 10 in amp/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-iframe-sanitizer.php #1099 9 Changed placeholder image path from assets folder to image folder amp\includes\class-amp-post-template.php, line no: 58, Issue no: 1310 'placeholder_image_url' => AMPFORWP_IMAGE_DIR. '/placeholder-icon.png' 10. Embed Handlers: Added support for Vimeo, SoundCloud, Pinterest, Dailymotion and PlayBuzz 11.Fixes: Old slug redirect for AMP URLs Handle issues with data uri images in CSS Output CSS for feature image Fix attribute when adding AMP Mustache Various documentation updates Coding Standards Check #1033 for more details on 10 and 11 12. Argument specific filters added at line number 43 and 47 of class-amp-content.php Reason: To extend the functionality of sidebars and Pagebuilder 13. Foo Gallery Support code added in class-amp-img-sanitizer.php in line no 35 #1424 14. Filter added in class-amp-dom-utils.php on line no 37 #1462 15. amp_vimeo_parse_url filter applied in class-amp-vimeo-embed.php in line no 108 16. ampforwp_end_point_controller added in amp-helper-functions on line no 15 #1561 17. folder name updated from amp to ampforwp to avoid conflict in class-amp-post-template.php on line no 440 #1742 18. 'amp_fetch_image_mode_type' filter added in class-amp-image-dimension-extractor.php #1833 19. Modifications in class-amp-img-sanitizer.php for Lightbox support #1892 #2032 20. Modification is class-amp-blacklist-sanitizer.php #1958 21. ampforwp_post_content_filter filter added in class-amp-post-template.php #2001 22. hook action changed from amp_post_template_head to amp_post_template_footer for function amp_post_template_add_schemaorg_metadata() in amp-post-template-actions.php #1945 23. Section specific class added for subsections in framework.php on line number 3288 24. ALTER black list sanitizer LINE no 37 Added Href internal links changes 25. check added in class-amp-content.php on line no.107 #2173 26. added htmlspecialchars($element->textContent); in includes/vendor/amp/includes/sanitizers/class-amp-blacklist-sanitizer.php line no 95 check #2346 27. Class AMP_DOM_Utils updated #2445 28. Class AMP_Gallery_Embed_Handler updated #1968 29. Converted the space into %20 on anchor links which have spaces on line number 166 and here is the github ticket #2465 30. FTP protocol has been whitelisted in anchor tags #2477 31. Class AMP_Img_Sanitizer Updated #2748 32. Widgets folder added in Vendor amp/includes #1400 33. Class AMP_Blacklist_Sanitizer updated #2835 34. class-amp-style-sanitizer.php updated #2745 35. Class AMP_Blacklist_Sanitizer updated for inernal links #2391 36. Mobile detect library added from https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect 37. Class AMP_Img_Sanitizer Updated #2893 38. Updated check_attr_spec_rule_valid_url function and also added two more functions parse_protocol and extract_attribute_urls #2862 39. AMP Image Sanitizer Updated #2925 40. Added itemprop attribute in amp-img #2585 41. Added $ampforwpTemplate in amp.php #2977 42. AMP_Content_Sanitizer updated #2287 43. CSS syntax error in tag 'style amp-custom' - bad url #2974 44. Updated Schema for author image #2919 45. class-amp-iframe-sanitizer.php updated #2836 45. Class-amp-gallery-block-sanitizer file Updated for new Gallery Designs #2868 45. Added class-amp-gallery-block-sanitizer.php, class-amp-block-sanitizer.php in Vendor AMP Sanitizers and class-amp-core-block-handler.php in Vendor AMP Embed Handlers #2427 45. Added a filter called ampforwp_featured_image_size, so users can change the default size of featured image in single post. #2896 46. Class-amp-gallery-block-sanitizer file updated for Gallery with GIF Image not working issue #3304 47. class-amp-allowed-tag-generated.php added amp-recaptcha-input support #3315 48. Image sanitizer updated #3112 49. class-amp-blacklist-sanitizer.php updated #3276 50. Added id atttribute allowed in amp-video sanitizer #3406 51. amp_get_permalink() function updated for the post id zero #3381 52. Added code for Image is not loading when source of it starting from ../wp-content issue in class-amp-wistia-embed.php #3403 53. Updated class-amp-wistia-embed.php #3386 54. Added class_exists('SQ_Classes_ObjController') condition to amp_post_template_add_schemaorg_metadata for Squirrly SEO Compatibility #3421 55. class-amp-content.php updated #3422 56. whitelisted skype in anchor tags #3475 57. Telegram links has been whitelisted in anchor tags #3578 58. Improvement in iframe #3563 59. Condition added in Wistia sanitizer to disable scripts when AMP Page Builder is enabled. #3587 60. Added the Filter to modify attributes in HTML Tag #3685 61. Undefined variable amp_url issue fixed #3776 62. Warnings fixed of util function to get array component #3778 63. Need to remove width from inline style on amp images #3741 64. Fixed Instagram video (tv) rendering issue #3812 65. Needs to redirect to 301, not in 302 #3767 66. Whitelisted label and input tags #4054 67. Whitelisted Picture tag #4051 68. Improvement in input type #4289 69. Fixed $url to render function in class-amp-Dailymotion-embed.php line 72 70. Checking for $post->ID and $post->post_type since dynamically generated pages does not have these value set (amp-helper-functions.php from line 27) #5323 71. Added new file for tiktok embeds class-amp-tikok-embed.php and removed old code for tiktok bed #5325